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For the full information on Coronvirus regarding Hope, click here to see the Covid 19 page


Coronavirus update - School Closure to Most Pupils

As of Monday 23rd March the school will be open between 9am – 3.30pm for children of families of key workers, who cannot be cared for at home, and children with certain needs. All other children will need to stay at home, so do not send your child into school. Please note that this is a national closure – so while it is a challenging situation, we are not alone. We’ll re-open fully as soon as we can.  


Closure of educational settings: information for parents and carers

Updated 31 March 2020.   Here is the link to this document. 


Whilst your child is at home, many families may be thinking about protecting your child online. Please see the guidance below: 

Where can I go to get support to help keep my child safe online?

There is a lot of support available to keep your child safe online. Below are some useful links to help parents and carers:

·         Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)

·         Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)

·         Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)

·         LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)

·         Net-aware (support for parents and carers from the NSPCC). This guidance has been taken from

Coronavirus. 17/03/2020

 Pick ups. 

Families with children in Entrepreneurs can continue to pick them up between 3pm and 3.30pm, as of today, families may collect any older siblings at the same time. These children will be called down to the Entrepreneur classroom as you arrive. This is part of  few changes to reduce the numbers of people clustering in the Courtyard. 


Drop offs. 

Families will be requested to drop their children off by the entrance, in the Courtyard, but do not walk them to the classrooms.

·         Contact with the office is via email or telephone 0203 3223 2000.

·         We request that all families refrain from entering the school building and do not use the reception area as a waiting area.

Cancelled events

The following events have been cancelled.

All school trips both locally and into London·

All meetings and structured conversations with families (telephone calls only, if necessary)·

Lovely Hat Collectives including the Mother’s Day Collective.

Easter Celebration and the CRIBS Easter play.

After the Easter holidays, we will review the situation and inform you about upcoming events for the Summer Term.

Medical advice

Please note, the school office has been receiving calls from families to ask advice as to whether children should be kept off school or not.The school cannot advise on this,as we are not medical professionals. This is a parental decision and should be taken in accordance with the Government and Public Health, Department for Education guidance.It is useful to access clear information regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) rather than media interpretations. The Government link

13/3/2020 Update 

At Hope School we are very proud that we are a Community, where staff and families work together to support the learning of the children. I wish to urge you to continue caring for the needs of your child in this way. We are unaware if in the future we will be directed to all stay at home. Therefore, may I suggest that you make some preparations for this potential situation, by borrowing some books from your local library, stocking up on items such as paper, pens, of materials which can keep your children entertained and learning.

Staff will continue to set homework as normal. If we are obliged to close staff will:

Set work on Reading Eggs, where you can find many digital books and Mathletics;

Children who have been issued with published books will continue to be set with work from these;

Children across the school are encouraged to carry on reading;

Children will be set work digitally, and items will be sent out via email, and Class dojo.