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All New Generation School Trust schools are set up in partnership with a local church that is committed to supporting the Trusts schools in their vision to educate children and support families. 

  • You can read more about why New Generation Schools Trust works with churches here
  • You can read more about how New Generation Schools Trust works with churches here

Hope Community School developed because of the vision and investment of time, resource and energy of New Generation Church. New Generation Church is part of a national network of churches called Pioneer, which is a recognised denomination of Churches Together in England along with 43 other church bodies such as the Church of England, Salvation Army and Methodist Church. It is also part of the Evangelical Alliance, which is the largest and oldest body representing the UK’s two million evangelical Christians. 

This partnership does not preclude or diminish the importance we place on the involvement and support of faith leaders from other Churches and other faith organisations.

Partner churches contribute to the Christian ethos and values of the school and enhance the life of the local community. We believe that it takes a community to raise a child.  As a result, schools benefit greatly when volunteers from the partner church invest their time and talent, energy and expertise in supporting and extending children’s learning and offering family support. In practice this partnership means that New Generation Church:  

  • loans (for free or at cost) equipment e.g. bouncy castles, PA, tables, office equipment and other resources
  • recruited volunteers to be the initial members and Governors of the Trust
  • provides volunteers to support with lunch, classroom support, open days, community events
  • regularly prays for the school 
  • provides practical or spiritual support for families who request it
  • invites families to their events, e.g. Christmas and Easter services, Mothers/Fathers Day, camping weekend away
  • offers their facilities (buildings) free or at cost for the school to use for events and activities
  • holds a Hope Community School Sunday morning once a year where news about the school is shared, families are invited, the Church pray for the school and the Church are invited to donate to the school
  • recruits volunteers who are trained by Tearfund to work as mentors on the Early Intervention project. Read more here
  • Provides VIP access to Hope families to its annual community festival Lark in the Park, which provides free holiday provision to local residents

Christmas 2023

The New Generation Church provided every child with a Christmas gift, a copy of the book, "Amazing Days”, about the Christmas Story. They also donated a Christmas tree to the school.