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Fundamental British values


Five key British values are promoted explicitly and implicitly through the curriculum,  the core four values and  Christian ethos of our community school.  

Activities in and out of the classroom allow children to develop socially, morally, culturally, spiritually.

What are the 5 key British values?  

  •  Democracy
  •  The rule of law
  •  Individual liberty
  •  Mutual respect
  •  Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs                                


Our Hope Community values help us to explore these ideas. Here are some examples of how the school addresses these values:



All pupils vote for class representatives to serve on the Pupil Parliament, The International Earth Matters Group or as members of the Lighthouse group.

In September, the children also developed their understanding of democracy by selecting a name for the new school bear, who was duly named, "Daniel". 

Each November the school has taken part in Parliament week when the children find out more about democracy. 

Our broad and rich curriculum explores democracy now and in the past through texts and history lessons - giving the children to opportunity to discuss and debate the consequences of life without a fair democratic process. 


                              The Pupil Parliament discuss democracy with James Brokenshire, MP

The Rule of Law


Pupils have class contracts in place to be Ready, Respectful and Safe for learning.  These contracts of being Ready, Respectful and Safe form the  foundations of how we all engage with each other.

Pupils have been developing their understanding of why schools have rules and these can help us to show mutual respect to others, whilst supporting individual liberty and allowing us all to stay safe. When children make poor choices or have disagreements a restorative justice approach is used to enable children to consider what happened, who was hurt, and what needs to be done now to restore the relationship. 

Individual Liberty


Children explore their rights and those of others through texts and stories in RE, Geography, History and Collectives.

Children are also encouraged to understand the link between rights and responsibilities. 

Mutual Respect


Relationships with members of the school community are modelled on the school's four key values of openness, creativity, adventure, excellence and the Christian ethos, that we should love one another. This ethos is also the basis of how we treat and consider others beyond our school walls.

The way children support and consider other people's needs is exemplified through their prayer life, Collectives and charity events. Children also explore this through literature, such as the story of The Rainbow Fish.

Black Lives Matter

During the summer of 2020 children considered what the Black Lives Matter campaign was about and why it was set established. Children considered how they could show respect for others. 

Each October, as part of Black History Month, the lives of famous black people are explored, including historical figures such as Mary Seacole and Martin Luther King, and children discuss how even though they were not always shown respect, they served the needs of others.

November Anti bullying week 

Anti bullying week always starts with Odd socks day to remind us all that we are unique and treasured by God. We will discuss how we can show each other that we are all valued and make an important contribution to the Hope School Community.  

Ready, Respectful and Safe


Across the school children are encouraged to show respect for themselves and others, be ready to learn and to keep themselves and others safe.

Children explored how they can best show others respect in school and how they could react if something went wrong.

Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs


Children learn about other faiths and beliefs in whole school collectives – such as Eid, Purim and Holi. Children regularly explore a wide range of faiths and beliefs through our RE curriculum and have opportunities to visit places of worship such as Mosques, Churches.

Through our weekly collective worships we promote our Christian values of respect and love for others.