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All learning at Hope Community School, Sidcup reflects the importance of developing the whole child. We have a created an engaging curriculum which inspires and excites pupils, resulting in outstanding learning outcomes.

The ethos of our school is based around developing  adventure, openness, creativity, excellence and values in our children.  The learning journey is carefully crafted right through from EYFS and to the end of year 6.  We believe learning should be engaging and challenging.  At Hope, we integrate learning holistically with ‘real life’ and the community across all subjects.


The thread of Christian values, including respect, hospitality, generosity, care for others, engaging in our community and putting others before yourself are at Hope's core, central to everything, every day and enhances the moral, social, intellectual and spiritual life of the school. These values are explored further during planned PSHE learning, during Collectives and when visitors come to the school. We include everyone, irrespective of faith or anything else. 

Teaching and Learning at Hope Community School is driven by high expectation.  Inspirational teaching motivates the aspiring learner and fosters in them success and achievement for the future.

We expect high academic achievement for our pupils to raise aspirations and realise their potential. Whilst all schools want this, those that succeed have a culture of embedding a growth mind set, something we not just recognise but aim to achieve. 

We want our children to have stamina for leaning; perseverance in challenges; a range of skills and strategies to solve problems and the determination to dace any obstacle with conviction.

Developing a child’s character matters as much as his or her academic attainment, to ensure resilience in the face of increased challenge.