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Each day the children and staff focus on being the best they can be. 

To help us all be the best we can be, the three key words, Ready, Respectful and Safe remind us what we need to do . 

Pupils can be successful learners when they show they are:

  • Ready to learn, 
  • Respectful to other children and adults who work in and around the school building, 
  • Keep themselves and others safe. 

Key messages: 

Safe in the playground

Safe in and around school.

Safe in and around school.

Children are to play on the playground side of the PE shed and climbing wall.

We walk around the building and between the building and the playground.

The family of children who need medicines during the day hand them in and collect them from the school office.

  We show respect for others by sitting, not standing on the benches.

We wear sensible black shoes to school.

Children who need special medicines, eg inhalers or adrenalin pumps must have these in school at all times.

We keep each other safe by looking where we are walking or running.

We keep warm and dry by wearing a coat in colder or wetter days.

Children can bring a plastic bottle of water to school.

We play in a respectful and safe way, without pushing kicking, or pulling each other.

We can bring a hat and gloves to keep us warm.

Children leave their ear rings and other jewellery at home.


In the summer we can protect our eyes by wearing a sun hat.



To keep all members of the school community safe the following items can NOT be brought into the building or  on school trips;

  • Glass bottles,
  • Sweets and chocolates (unless these are being given out as part of a birthday treat)
  • Any food containing nuts
  • Cigarettes, or e cigarettes
  • Knives or sharp objects
  • Mobile phones or tablet computers.   
  • To help children focus on their learning, the following items should not be brought into school:
  • Toys and footballs.
  • Multiple key rings (which are sometimes attached to a child’s bag)
  • fidget toys, unless this has been agreed with your teacher.