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PSHE at Hope Community School

At Hope Community School, we believe that PSHE is a fundamental part of every child’s education for them to become confident, contributing and happy members of society. Our curriculum aims to give children the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to navigate the complexities of the 21st century and for a life that no doubt will be very different from life as we know it today.

Our curriculum covers key areas which will support children to make informed choices now and in the future around their health, safety, wellbeing, relationships, and financial matters and will support them in becoming confident individuals and active members of society.

Our delivery of the curriculum embraces our school values of creativity, adventure, excellence and openness. It is our hope that all children at Hope Community School leave school with a strong understanding of the diverse world around them; be well equipped to take responsibility for their own wellbeing and to stay safe in our ever-changing society. 

Over the course of the year, the following topics are taught in each year group and children build on the knowledge and skills over time:

  • Family and relationships
  • Health and well-being
  • Safety and the changing body
  • Citizenship
  • Economic well-being


Our Aims for the children in PSHE are:

  • To promote personal development in a developmentally appropriate way in order to give children the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills to improve their life chances.
  • To develop each child’s sense of self-worth by encouraging them to play a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.
  • To teach about the emotional and social aspects of growing up and empower children with the skills and values to have safe and fulfilling relationships.
  • To introduce children to a variety of experiences and promote an understanding and tolerance of the diversity of the world around them.
  • To ensure our children are well-equipped to maintain their own well-being and stay safe in an ever-changing society.  
  • To promote the four fundamental British values which reflect life in modern Britain: democracy; rule of law; respect and tolerance and individual liberty.