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Travel Plan - Sherington Primary School


This year we are excited to be applying for the TFL Stars Accreditation award. This scheme serves to educate our young Londoners on safe travel and we have a whole host of activities planned this year to help support that.

Road and travel safety is such a vital part of growing up and especially important in busy areas such as London.

Here are some of the things we have done so far this year.

  • Road Safety Week - November
  • Year 6  bikeability training and bike maintenance skills
  • KS1 and EYFS weekend walkies initiative 
  • Walk to School Week 20-24th May
  • Outdoor Learning Day May 
  • World Environment Day 
  • Scooter Training for year 1 and 2


If you would like to join our school working group and be more involved in helping to keep our children safe on our streets then contact the school office on 0203 2232000.